@extends('templates._single_left') @section('html.head.title', "Subscription" . ' -') @section('beforeMain') @include('sections.banner', ['background' => '', 'space_class'=>'xlg-pt4 pt3 pb3']) @include('atoms.heading_group', [ 'title' => "Subscription status", 'copy' => "" ]) @include('sections.banner_CLOSE') @endsection @section('sidebar') @endsection @section('afterMain') @endsection @section('main')
@if($subscription_status == "active")

{{noWidow("Your subscription has been confirmed.")}}

Thank you for confirming the email address {{$subscription->email}}

@endif @if($subscription_status === "removed")

You have now unsubscribed.

The email address {{$email}} has now been unsubscribed and will no longer receive emails from us.

Follow the link if you would like to subscribe again.

@endif @if($subscription_status === "notfound")

{{noWidow("This address does not exist in our database.")}}

Would you like to subscribe?
