@extends('layouts.reference-feedback') @section('step', 5) @section('max-steps', 6) @section('reference-title', 'Reference feedback form') @section('reference-header', 'Reference for '. $reference->user->full_name) @section('back-button-form-url') {{route('reference-feedback-form.pressure.store', ['token' => $reference->verification_token, 'back' => 1])}} @stop @section('reference-form-content')

Dealing with pressure

We desire to rightly support and encourage all volunteers, and to provide an appropriate context in which they can volunteer in line with their current health and capacity to serve. There are a number of different roles that volunteers can fill on Titus Trust Holidays, each bringing different pressures – and some require particular physical or emotional energy.

Is there any reason to believe that the applicant would struggle to cope (in any way) with the pressures of volunteering on a busy 10 day holiday?

please provide as much information as you are able.

{{ old('q3_b') }}